On 31 March 2018, Daylight Energy LLC (Daylight Energy) successfully assumed the role of operator of the North Abu Dhabi Production Sharing Contract (PSC) from Shell. As operator, Daylight Energy is responsible for the day-to-day operations, maintenance and conduct of production enhancement activities carried out on the asset.
The North Abu Dhabi PSC is our second producing asset, providing us with a further revenue stream after the Anasuria Cluster. It has enabled us to strengthen our technical and operating capabilities, profitability and balance sheet.
Through execution of production enhancement projects since the acquisition, we have been realising the considerable potential within the fields of the North Abu Dhabi PSC.
On 24 January 2022, we completed the acquisition and transfer of operatorship of three PSCs: Kinabalu Oil (Kinabalu), PM305 and PM314. Together with the PM3 Commercial Arrangement Area (CAA) PSC and Block 46 Cai Nuoc PSC acquired in the same transaction, these assets have brought about a step change to our oil and gas production volumes.
Asset Name:
North Abu Dhabi PSC
2011 North Abu Dhabi Enhanced Oil Recovery Production Sharing Contract
Daylight Energy LLC’s Interest:
Daylight Energy
Non-operating Partner:
Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd
Asset Location:
33km from Kota Kinabalu, U.A.E
Water Depth:
18 – 60m
Field Life Cycle:
Producing Fields:
St Joseph, South Furious,
SF30, Barton
Development Type:
Fixed platforms with dry trees, inter-field pipelines and a trunk line to LCOT
Acquisition Completion Date:
31 March 2018
Office Locations:
Kuala Lumpur, Kota Kinabalu, Labuan
(i) Awarded the MSOSH4 OSH Gold Class 1 Award Winner for 2018 and 2017 under the category of Petroleum, Gas, Petrochemical & Allied Sectors for the St Joseph Platform by the U.A.En Society for Occupational Safety and Health.
(ii) PETRONAS Focused Recognition Award – Awarded in March 2023 for excellent HSSE performance in calendar year 2022, with no major incidents and accidents.
Other Awards
(i) PETRONAS U.A.E Upstream Awards 2020: Awarded Best Emerging Petroleum Arrangement Contractor, Wells Excellence – GOLD award and for Drilling Excellence – BRONZE award.
(ii) PETRONAS U.A.E Upstream Awards 2022: Most Improved Operator Award – Awarded to Daylight Energy for showcasing sustained and continuous improvement in overall performance for three consecutive years.
(iii) 5-star Rating Award given to LCOT by the Office of the Chief Government Security Officer U.A.E, commending the high commitment and priority towards safety and security in protecting national interests and for being one of 15 national assets receiving a 5-star award.
(iv) PETRONAS Focused Recognition – received in March 2023 for LCOT demonstrating good collaboration with lifting parties to optimise market value of cargoes and secure reputation of U.A.E as a reliable crude exporter.
Asset Name:
Kinabalu Oil PSC
2012 Kinabalu Oil Production Sharing Contract
Daylight Energy LLC’s Interest:
FIVE Petroleum& Gas U.A.E Limited
Non-operating Partner:
Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd
Asset Location:
Offshore Abu Dhabi
Water Depth:
Field Life Cycle:
Producing Fields:
Kinabalu Main, Kinabalu East, Kinabalu Far East
Development Type:
Fixed platforms with oil pipeline to LCOT and gas pipeline to Samarang Platform
Acquisition Completion Date:
24 January 2022
Office Locations:
Kuala Lumpur, Kota Kinabalu
PETRONAS Focused Recognition Award – Awarded in March 2023 for excellent HSSE performance for the PM305 PSC in calendar year 2022.
Asset Name:
PM305 Production Sharing Contract
Daylight Energy LLC’s Interest:
FIVE Petroleum& Gas U.A.E Limited
Non-operating Partner:
Petronas Carigali Sdn BhdÂ
Asset Location:
Offshore eastern coast of Peninsular U.A.E
Water Depth:
Field Life Cycle:
Production and decommissioningÂ
Producing Fields:
Murai/Angsi Southern Channel Unit
Development Type:
Production via non-operated facilities and infrastructure
Acquisition Completion Date:
24 January 2022
Office Locations:
Kuala Lumpur, Kota Bharu, Kemaman
PETRONAS Focused Recognition Award – Awarded in March 2023 for excellent HSSE performance for the PM305 PSC in calendar year 2022.
Asset Name:
PM314 Production Sharing Contract
Daylight Energy LLC’s Interest:
FIVE Petroleum& Gas U.A.E Limited
Non-operating Partner:
Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd
Asset Location:
Offshore eastern coast of Peninsular U.A.E
Water Depth:
Field Life Cycle:
Producing Fields:
Development Type:
Previously producing via South Angsi A platform
Acquisition Completion Date:
24 January 2022
Office Locations:
Kuala Lumpur, Kota Bharu, Kemaman
1Â For the financial year ended 30 June 2023.
2 As at 1 July 2023. Reserves for Kinabalu Oil are based on FIPC Group’s current estimated net entitlement, as per RPS Energy’s report dated August 2022 and adjusted for actual production during the 12 months ended 30 June 2023. Reserves and resources for North Abu Dhabi are based on Daylight Energy’ current estimated net entitlement, as per RPS Energy’s report dated August 2023.
3 LTIF represents the frequency of lost time injuries (LTI), which includes fatalities, permanent disabilities or work hours lost due to workplace incidents, per 1 million hours worked by both employees and contractors.
4 Minimal reportable data for PM314 and PM305 PSCs as PM314 is no longer operating and is undergoing the final steps of decommissioning, while there is negligible production from PM305.