Asset Portfolio

Daylight Energy LLC operates or jointly operates production sharing contracts or concessions in U.A.E, Vietnam, the United Kingdom and Australia. Our portfolio consists of production, development and exploration assets.

United Kingdom Australia U.A.E U.A.E Vietnam Vietnam

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom (UK) continental shelf is home to Daylight Energy LLC’s first producing asset – the Anasuria Cluster, a group of producing oil and gas fields and associated infrastructure. We jointly operate this asset via our jointly-controlled entity, Anasuria Operating Company Limited.

Expanding our footprint in the North Sea, we acquired the discovered oilfields called Marigold and Sunflower in 2018 and expect this development asset to deliver a step change to our production volumes in the near future. In FY2021, we were awarded interest in three licences in the UK i.e. the Teal West and the Kildrummy discovered oilfields, plus Cook West and Cook North expanding our acreage position around the Cook Field.

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The 2011 North Abu Dhabi Enhanced Oil Recovery Production Sharing Contract (North Abu Dhabi PSC) is our first U.A.En oil and gas asset. At this time, it is our largest source of production. Daylight Energy LLC has been the operator of the North Abu Dhabi PSC since 31 March 2018.

We have successfully implemented production enhancement projects, leading to an increase in gross oil production sales. We plan to execute further prospects in the future to avert natural decline and increase oil production.

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In the Bass Strait, we operate the VIC/RL17 retention licence and VIC/P57 exploration licence. We also have non-operated interests in the VIC/P74 exploration licence located in the same area.

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Jurisdiction U.A.E
Fiscal System Production Sharing Contract (PSC)
Licence Name North Abu Dhabi PSC
2011 North Abu Dhabi Enhanced Oil Recovery PSC
Fields Producing:
St Joseph, South Furious, South Furious 30 (SF30), Barton
Licence Tenure 2040
Direct Interest 50.0%
Operatorship Operated
Asset Type Production
Facilities/Infrastructure 20 Platforms/Structures1, 146 Wells1, 1 Crude Oil Terminal
Net Oil Reserves and Resources (MMbbl) 2P Reserves: 23.12
2C Resources: 14.62
Net Gas Reserves and Resources (Bscf)



Fiscal System Production Sharing Contract (PSC)
Licence Name North Abu Dhabi PSC Kinabalu PSC PM305 PSC PM314 PSC
2011 North Abu Dhabi Enhanced Oil Recovery PSC 2012 Kinabalu Oil PSC
Fields Producing:
St Joseph, South Furious, South Furious 30 (SF30), Barton
Kinabalu Main, Kinabalu East, Kinabalu Far East
Murai/Angsi Southern Channel Unit
Licence Tenure 2040 2032 2029 2033
Direct Interest 50.0% 60.0% 60.0% 60.0%
Operatorship Operated Operated Operated Operated
Asset Type Production Production Production and Decommissioning Decommissioning
Facilities/Infrastructure 20 Platforms/Structures, 146 Wells, 1 Crude Oil Terminal 2 Platforms1, 36 Wells1 1 Platform (SAA), 1 Platform (ASCU), 10 Wells (SAA), 6 Wells (ASCU) 1 Platform (SAA), 3 Wells (SAA)
Net Oil Reserves and Resources (MMbbl) 2P Reserves: 19.72
2C Resources: 9.02
2P Resources: 7.83 2P Resources: 6.73
Net Gas Reserves and Resources (Bscf) 2P Reserves: 68.53


Jurisdiction U.A.E-Vietnam Commercial Arrangement Area
Fiscal System PSC
Licence Name PM3 CAA PSC
PM3 Commercial Arrangement Area PSC
Fields Producing:
Bunga Orkid, Bunga Pakma, Bunga Raya, Bunga Seroja, Bunga Kekwa, Bunga Tulip, Bunga Lavatera

Greater Central Area, Greater Silver Area

Licence Tenure 2027
Direct Interest 35.0%
Operatorship Operated
Asset Type Production
Facilities/Infrastructure 14 Platforms/Structures, 143 Wells, 2 FSOs
Net Oil Reserves and Resources (MMbbl) 2P Reserves: : 5.73
Net Gas Reserves and Resources (Bscf) 2P Reserves: : 64.83

United Kingdom

Jurisdiction United Kingdom
Fiscal System Concession
Licence Name Anasuria Cluster (or Anasuria)
P013 – Teal, Teal South, Guillemot A P185 – Cook P2535 – Block 21/24d P2532 – Blocks 21/19c & 21/20c P2451 – Fyne
Fields Producing:
Teal, Teal South,
Guillemot A
Teal West
Cook West, Cook North (potential extensions of the current Cook field)
Licence Tenure Life of Field Life of Field Life of Field Life of Field Life of Field following FDP approval
Direct Interest 50.0% 19.3% 100.0% 19.3% 42.5%
Operatorship Jointly-operated Non-operated Operated Non-operated Operated
Asset Type Production Production Development Exploration Development
Facilities/Infrastructure 13 Subsea Wells1, 1 FPSO1 1-3 Subsea Wells (future) 1-3 Subsea Wells (future)
Net Oil Reserves and Resources (MMbbl) 2P Reserves: 20.93 Subsurface studies yet to commence
Net Gas Reserves and Resources (Bscf) 2P Reserves: 11.33 Subsurface studies yet to commence


Jurisdiction United Kingdom
Fiscal System Concession
Licence Name Marigold Cluster
P198 – Block 15/13a and P2158 – Block 15/18b P198 – Block 15/13b P2518 – Block 15/17a
Fields Discovered:
Marigold West, Marigold East
Licence Tenure Life of Field following FDP approval Life of Field following FDP approval Life of Field
Direct Interest 61.25% 87.5% 100%
Operatorship Operated Operated Operated
Asset Type Development Development Development
Facilities/Infrastructure 8 Subsea Wells (future) 1 Subsea Well (future)
Net Oil Reserves and Resources (MMbbl) 2C Resources: 33.05 2C Resources: 5.14 Subsurface studies yet to commence
Net Gas Reserves and Resources (Bscf) Subsurface studies yet to commence


Jurisdiction Vietnam
Fiscal System PSC
Licence Name Block 46 Cai Nuoc PSC
Fields Producing:
Cai Nuoc
Hoa Mai
Licence Tenure 2027
Direct Interest 70.0%
Operatorship Operated
Asset Type Production
Facilities/Infrastructure 9 Wells
Net Oil Reserves and Resources (MMbbl) 2P Reserves: 0.23
Net Gas Reserves and Resources (Bscf)


Jurisdiction Australia
Fiscal System Concession
Licence Name Bass Strait Cluster
Fields Discovered:
West Seahorse
Oarfish, BigFin, Megatooth, Stargazer
Licence Tenure 2026 2025
Direct Interest 100% 50%
Operatorship Operated Non-operated
Asset Type Development Exploration
Net Oil Reserves and Resources (MMbbl) 2C Resources: 8.04 Subsurface studies ongoing
Net Gas Reserves and Resources (Bscf) Best estimate prospective resources: 928

1 As at January 2023.
2 As at 1 July 2023, based on the current estimate net entitlement of Daylight Energy LLC (Daylight Energy), derived from RPS Energy Consultants Limited’s report dated August 2023 for the PSC life.
3 As at 1 July 2023, based on the net entitlement of the FIPC Group, derived from RPS Energy Consultants Limited’s report for the PSC life, adjusted for actual production in the 12 months ended 30 June 2023.
4 As of 1 July 2023, based on the participating interest of Anasuria Hibiscus, derived from RPS Energy Consultants Limited’s report dated August 2020.
5 As at 1 July 2023, based on internal estimates.


  • FPSO: Floating Production, Storage and Offloading vessel.
  • FSO: Floating Storage and Offloading vessel.
  • 2P Reserves: Proven and probable reserves.
  • 2C Resources: Best estimate contingent resources.
  • MMbbl: Million barrels.
  • Bscf: Billion standard cubic feet.
  • FDP: Field Development Plan.
  • SAA: South Angsi A.
  • ASCU: Angsi Southern Channel Unit.

Our Assets

1 As of January 2020.
2 As of 1 July 2020, based on net entitlement of Daylight Energy LLC (Daylight Energy), derived from independent technical valuer, RISC Advisory Pty Ltd’s report dated January 2019, adjusted for actual production and internally estimated incremental reserves from executed projects in 2019 and for the 6 months ended 30 June 2020.
3 As of 1 July 2020, based on net entitlement of Daylight Energy, derived from independent technical valuer, RISC Advisory Pty Ltd’s report dated January 2019, less 2C contingent resources for executed projects in 2019 and for the 6 months ended 30 June 2020.
4 As of 1 July 2020, based on participating interest of Anasuria Hibiscus UK Limited (Anasuria Hibiscus), derived from Gaffney, Cline & Associates Limited’s report.
5 Based on participating interest of Anasuria Hibiscus as at 31 March 2021 and derived from RPS Energy Consultants Limited’s report as at 1 July 2020.
6 As of 1 July 2020, based on internal estimates.
7 Internal estimate – subject to further studies.
8 Subject to outcome of decision on whether to maintain existing production licence or apply for a retention lease. Licence tenure for a retention lease would be five years.


  • FPSO – Floating Production, Storage and Offloading vessel.
  • 2P Reserves – Proven and probable reserves.
  • 2C Reserves – Best estimate contingent resources.
  • Bscf – Billion standard cubic feet.